Thursday, December 24, 2015

I'M IN MANHATTAN, NEW YORK!!!!! Dear Diary Edition!

                                                                 NEW YORK!                                            December 20, 2015
Dear Diary...
   I'M ON THE PLANE TO NEW YORK!!! :D I'm so flippin' excited! I've never been out of California! This is so exciting! I can't believe I'm on my first plane right now! This feels so fake, like a dream come true. Except, it still feels like a dream... There's beautiful skies out right now. There's a few clouds but it's sunny out. It's beautiful up here.
This is what I could see when we got high enough into the air on the airplane. :)

I was so nervous to be going on my first plane ride... ALONE!!! But I'm also very excited about it! Woah, our flight just got super bumpy. :O What is this?! Are there rocks in the sky? :P Anyways, let's start from the beginning. This Tay Tay swift is giving me a good vibe and I already want to write a book about this experience so far. Haha, so let's go back to this morning. I woke up at 1:45 in the morning. I didn't take a shower because I had taken one yesterday and straightened my hair. So, I didn't feel like taking a shower. But I woke up, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put my makeup and nice pajamas on. Haha nice pajamas, what are thooose? I just mean that I'm not dressed like a hobo... Maybe a cute hobo. I'm wearing grey leggings with grey jogger sweats over, a black t-shirt with a purple sweatshirt over and then a letterman's jacket over that. Then, I'm wearing black and white striped fuzzy socks with moccasins. So I guess you decide, do you think I look like a hobo now that I've described what I'm wearing? I got dressed and then went into my parent's bedroom to wake up my Mom and talk to her for a little and say goodbye. My Mom and I talked for about fifteen minutes. We hugged, gave kisses, and prayed for a safe and amazing time.
My Mommy giving me a kiss. <3

As we were praying, my heart started pounding and I felt like I was going to cry because I was so nervous to leave my Mom. Neither one of us cried, even though I'm sure we both wanted to shed a little tear or two. That's why I think that she didn't come to the airport with my Dad and me, because she didn't want to cry. She didn't really have an excuse... Pish posh Mom. -.- Haha I still love you though. <3 I'm going to miss you like crazy while I'm gone in New York for two and a half weeks. Not only is it just two and a half weeks... But I'll be missing Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years with my family. It's going to feel so weird, but also so amazing at the same time... Because I'll be spending it in New York! Manhattan, New York to be specific. Three blocks down from Time Square to be even more specific. AHH I'm just so excited! Okay, back to saying goodbye to my Mommy. <3 We said goodbye and then my Dad and I left. I grabbed my backpack and my Dad grabbed my giant and over-sized suitcase. I swear, it's bigger than me!!! I could even fit inside of it.
This is me... Literally sitting inside of my suitcase before I started packing... :O

My Mom walked my Dad and me out and locked the front door behind us. We left, went to two different gas stations(don't ask, I got food so I was okay! ;)), then we finally got to LAX!
A very delicious honey bun that I got from the gas station. Nom nom nom. :P

Those giant, colorful pillars as you're driving up were amazing! I wanted to take a picture so bad(because it was almost 5:00 in the morning so it was still dark and they were lit up so pretty) but my Dad was having trouble seeing the signs so I had to concentrate on where to go next. He had already made a wrong turn right before we got to LAX, and I didn't want it to happen again. We finally parked and got inside. Then, the usual happened; check in, strip down for security(after they've chosen you out of all of the other one-million people in there to wipe your hand because I guess you look suspicious or something-THEN, you strip for security just for them to let you be the only one to go right through and not need to go through the beeper thing, so I technically stripped for no reason)-Maybe I do look like a hobo after all... :O Then, we sat in the freezing, cold boarding room for about an hour and a half for my plane to board. My Dad and I just talked and sat. I was getting so anxious and just wanted to leave California. I have always wanted to travel and I just wanted it to happen already. <3; My seat number finally got called so I gave my Dad a huge hug and said goodbye(after taking a picture together, of course).
My Father and me before I got on my plane. :)

Then, I walked up, gave the lady my ticket, and she wished me a safe flight as I walked into the airplane. I definitely almost made myself hyperventilate because of how excited and nervous I was to step on the plane and be flying in the sky for five hours. I took a deep breath(literally) and stepped onto the plane. There was a long line of people trying to find their seat and shove their luggage above their heads. But, I finally got to my seat with two other girls who seem about my age. I'm in the middle seat of three. ALMOST to the window. But nope... Girl chose window seat just so that she could sleep on it. -.- Like c'mon, I know that you can feel me staring over that way wanting to be closer to the window so that I could see more. But no, she's sleeping... Oh well! Coming home from New York I'll have a window seat and it'll be so much prettier as I'm leaving the JFK airport! <3 I'm still listening to Tay Tay Swift and my belly is growling, "I WANT FOOD, FEED ME!" but I guess all we get right now is either soda(eww), apple juice(double eww), coffee(probably burnt so eww), and then some delicious water(which is what I now have). I guess I'll eat my chocolate muffin that I got from the second gas station we went to this morning.
My scumptious chocolate muffin and my journal and pen that most of this blog was written in. :)

I've had a headache like all morning, even since before I got on the plane. So, I know I'm not plane sick. I'm probably just feeling a bunch of different emotions right now and my brain can't handle it. Haha, and I'm sure it's also because aunt Flo came to visit(my period). So I'm going to eat my muffin and take some more ibuprofen. I'll come back when there's more exciting things to talk about! ;) Okay, I didn't even get to put my journal and pen away before I noticed something... The girl sitting next to me... Not the window hogger... She checked the time on her phone and it said 9:30am... Then I checked my phone... Whelp, mine says 10:30am. This different time change is confusing me!!! How much longer is this flight then?! :O Not that I'm complaining, just confused. I'm going to eat my chocolate muffin in confusion now... :O Okay well I finished my muffin and took some ibuprofen. But, I'm confused again... I'm watching TV now and it says that it's 1:45pm. What freaking time is it?! :O My hand's tired, talk later! I just had to write down some more confusion...
     OKAY, well that's all that I wrote in my journal. It is now 10:30pm on Monday night, which means that it's about 7:30pm in Cali where most of you are reading this. The rest of my plane flight was amazing, it ended in all of that confusion and another headache. But overall, it was really good! I had to get up once to go potty on the plane. I thought that it would feel as if I was floating when I got up and walked through the walkway towards the back of the plane to the bathroom, but it felt pretty normal. The train is worse. I fly down those stairs when I have to pee on the train when I'm going to and from school to LA. But anyways, I finished the plane flight with sleeping for about an hour and a half and then listening to music and watching Disney Channel... While looking so fresh in my headphones.
My hot pink, peace sign head phones. ;)

I was landing and was hoping to get a good picture... But there was nothing cool, just a bunch of water. I thought that it was super pretty with the sun beaming down on it and seeing the ripple effect on the water, but my iPhone camera definitely would have not captured it. I actually tried, they looked like poop.
This was the best that I could get. :(

I got off of the train and followed the signs to get my luggage. I was standing at the wrong spinny thing wondering where my luggage was for like fifteen minutes. Then, I finally saw a bunch of people surrounding another spinny thing and found out that that's where I should have been the whole time. I finally found my luggage and surprisingly picked it up pretty easily. I used my left hand and was on the phone, too. I was afraid that I would be chasing my luggage around the belt until I could finally get it. Thankfully, I become a super strong, ninety pound, little girl who could suddenly pick up a one-hundred pound suitcase... Not literally, but you know what I mean. I then met with my Uber driver, he was super nice.
This is me right when I got into my Uber. :)

We talked the entire drive. JFK is in Queens and my cousins live in Manhattan, so the drive was about an hour drive because of traffic. But I was perfectly okay with that because I got to see some amazing things. I found out there's traffic no matter where you go and no matter what time of day it is. There's just too many darn people here in New York. The car drive to my cousin's apartment was sooo beautiful. We got to see the sunset.
This picture is kind of blurry because the car was moving, BUT... This was the beautiful sunset. <3

I loved the yellow and orange skies with the black silhouette of the city in the background. It was gorgeous.
This is obviously edited, because I tried making it un-blurry and brighter. We were in a moving car so the picture didn't turn out so great. I was also sitting in the back seat and didn't want the whole front of the car in the picture. It was definitely way more beautiful in person... Seeing it with perfect eye vision... ;) <3

I got so excited when I saw the city for the first time. It looked so ginormous. My Uber driver said that he loves welcoming people to New York for the first time. He was telling me all about it. He told me that there's always construction going on. They're always trying to upgrade places, which is nice to know. I mentioned how I thought that the little houses were so adorable and I loved how they looked like gingerbread houses.
These are the adorable houses that I thought looked like little gingerbread houses. <3

He explained to me that even though each of the houses look very similar on the outside, that EVERY SINGLE HOUSE is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT on the inside. That just amazed me. We talked and talked about different things in New York. Then, he drove me through Time Square(even though it took longer than if we would have gone a different way, but he knew it was my first time and he wanted me to have the experience to go the night I got there-he was very sweet). It took me longer to get to my cousin's, but it was well worth it. As we were driving through Time Square, I was totally in love with all of the things going on around me. I loved the bright lights everywhere. It looked like day time because of how many ginormous bill boards there were flashing with pictures and videos with such bright lighting. Those boards are literally like the size of a house. They're so huge.
This is the amazing Time Square from the back seat of an Uber. :D

It's crazy. Being stuck in like thirty minutes worth of traffic just to go three blocks away from Time Square was nice, not because it was packed with people walking and cars honking every five seconds, but because I got to see more and really be able to see what there was around me. I took so many pictures and videos. Everything there just amazed me. We finally got to my cousin's apartment. My Uber driver(well my cousin's Uber driver) stopped the car. Immediately, the car behind us was laying on his/her horn. Literally, until they saw me pull up that middle finger and shove it at them... Just kidding. That part didn't happen. But it would have if I wasn't a good person. Hahaha, anyways... I just ignored the dumb driver behind us. Norman, our Uber driver, grabbed my bag and my cousin walked over to me and gave me a hug and welcomed me. We said thank you to the Uber driver and went on our way. We walked into the lobby. There was this giant, beautiful Christmas tree all decorated. I think it's like twenty feet tall. It's huge. Then, we headed to the elevators. We went up to the ninth floor and walked in the doors. I see my cousins and run to give each of them a hug.
This is my baby and me right as I walked into my cousin's apartment. <3

I was so happy to see all of them! I missed them so much. I nannied for them before I started college. Then, I started college and they moved to New York... Obviously, I couldn't move with them, even though they wish that I could have... I kind of wish that I could have to. But now, I'm finally with them again, AND IN NEW YORK!!! <3 I am so happy to be here. I am having an amazing time so far! I will be posting a bunch of pictures and videos on my social media, so stay tuned! ... Yes, I just turned into a radio station speaker. Haha well it is now 2:00am in the morning and I am super tired and have to head to bed. I'm still not used to this time change, I'm tired but I'm staying up until 2:00 in the morning to watch Jane the Virgin and blog. What is wrong with me? Well I hope you enjoyed my blog. I know that it was a lot of reading but I am just so excited to be experiencing this right now. I needed a break from stressful college for a bit. Haha lots of love, xoxo. Kenna... <3 Goodnight lovelies. :)
     P.S. It is now Thursday at 11:40pm. I just added my pictures to my blog and now it's ready to be posted! I hope you lovelies enjoyed! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Friday, August 21, 2015

Get Ready With Me - Makeup Routine

Hello lovelies! I'm so sorry for totally slackin' on my blog! I don't know what happened! I've just been so busy with summer school and getting ready to start college at FIDM this October! Hopefully this blog makes it up! :)

I have been so obsessed with doing my makeup lately. It makes me so happy. When I do my makeup I think of my face as the canvas, and I'm the artist.

I think that it is very important for girls to be confident about their natural skin. We all have pimples. Some more than others. I have really bad acne. No I don't like it, who would? I don't feel like the prettiest girl in the world when I have blemishes all over. But I also don't think that I'm ugly. I think I am beautiful inside and out in my own special way. I think that every girl should think that way of themselves. Love who you are. You were made this way for a reason. You can't change it. Unless you get plastic surgery of course, but that's cheating. Totally not worth it to me anyways. Why change yourself? We are all beautiful in our own special way. Don't change who you are.

I don't wear makeup as a way of hiding my natural face. I wear makeup because it enhances my natural beauty. It makes me feel good about myself. Not only that, but it makes me happy to do it. If something makes you happy, do it. No matter what anybody else thinks or says.

It makes me happy when I pamper myself. It makes me happy to spend time on myself and make myself feel good. I don't cake makeup on my face to try and look like somebody I'm not. I wear very natural looking makeup. Makeup that makes my face glow and pop and enhance the looks I already have.

You are beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But if putting makeup on makes you happy, or if it makes you feel better about yourself , or if you feel more confident with it on. Do it. Slap that makeup on! Maybe don't slap it on. But you get my vibe.

I made a video of how I put my makeup on. I don't put makeup on everyday. But when I do, this is what I do. I hope you enjoy! And remember, you're beautiful with or without makeup. :)

Makeup used(in order):
- Nars sheer glow foundation in shade Deauville - Sephora
- Almay smart shade concealer shade 010 - Target
- CoverGirl loose powder shade 105 - Target
- Wet N Wild coloricon bronzer shade 739 - Target
- Elf blush - Target
- Maybelline New York rocket power volum' express mascara - Target
- Maybelline New York the blushed nudes eye shadow pallete -Target
- NYC expert last shade 405 blue rose lipstick - Target

Monday, July 27, 2015

Helpful Packing Tips For Summer Vacay!

Hello lovelies! I know summer vacation is only a few weeks longer but I thought it would be fun and helpful to write a blog on things you'll need to bring with you and how to pack them in an organizational way. This is my first time going on vacation this summer so I know for a fact there's still some of you that this blog can help! Even if you're just going to a friend's house or somewhere for only  a night.

I just left to Huntington Beach for the week and am going to tell you what I brought and how I packed. My friend, Tatiyana, and I are staying at her Papa and Gram's house so there are a few things that they already have at their house that we didn't need to bring. Things like shampoo/conditioner, towels, toothpaste, etc.

Things you'll need:
  • Loofa
  • Razor
  • Deodorant
  • Brush/travel size brush as well
  • Toothbrush/toothbrush travel container
  • Face wash
  • Makeup wipes
  • Q-tips
  • Lotion(eye lotion as well to take off your eye makeup) 
  • Chapstick/bright lipstick
  • Makeup/makeup bag
  • 7 outfits(even warm clothes if you go out for dinner or anything at night time)
  • At least 2 pairs of sandals(maybe even a pair of tennis shoes)
  • Pajamas(even warm in case it gets really cold where you're staying at night)
  • At least 7 pairs of undies/at least 2 bras
  • At least 2 bathing suits
  • A plastic bag like from Stater Bros to put your dirty clothes in
  • Perfume
  • Hair accessories(hair ties, bows, flower headbands)
  • Beach bag/purse
  • Wallet
  • Phone/phone chargers(house and car)
  • Camera(water proof)/camera charger
  • Ibuprofen
  • Sun glasses
  • Pillow/blanket
  • Laptop/laptop charger
Well by now, your room probably looks like a tornado went through it. But this is only the beginning. Now it's time to pack! *in an organizational manner*
First, start off with your suit case, duffle bag, or backpack.
Put all of your clothes in one pile(better if folded). Then, put all of your beauty essentials in a pile.
It already looks organized doesn't it?
I started by rolling up all of my shirts and dresses so that they wouldn't take up so much space. Then I stacked all of my bottoms on top of each other.
Now I'm starting to put my things in my duffle bag. I'm starting with the left side. I'm putting my warm clothes(2 pairs of pants, sweatshirt, and flannel) in first. Then putting both pairs of pajamas on top.
Then I set all of my bottoms in there.
At the very right, I put all of my folded shirts and dresses in.
Clothes are packed! Now it's time to pack those beauty products!
I got 2 big, plastic baggies. I put deodorant, brush, toothbrush, face wash, perfume, and brush in one baggie. Then, all of my little beauty products like my razor, makeup wipes, q-tips, lotion, and hair accessories in the other baggie.
I already have all of my makeup in a little makeup bag of mine so I don't have to worry about finding something to put my makeup in. I'm already set! 
Since my bottoms didn't take up very much room in the middle of my duffle bag, I can add things on top of them. This is where I put my beach towel, 2 big, plastic baggies of beauty products, and makeup bag/makeup brushes bag.
I have a zipper that runs along the bottom of my duffle bag that I'm now putting my undies, bras, and bathing suits in(since there aren't many things you can fit in it).
Now I grab my laptop bag that has my laptop, laptop charger, camera, and camera charger in it.
Then, I grab my purse and put my wallet, sun glasses, chapstick, lip stick, ibuprofen, and phone chargers in and zip it all up!
Grab my blanket and have my phone in my hand!
I'm already to hit the road now!
It's time to have a fun week with my friend at the US Open! I hope you all stay safe with your traveling and vacationing this summer!
I hope this blog helped a lot of you! I had tons of pictures to help explain how I packed but I have no service where I am for the week so I'm so sorry!
I'll talk to you all on Friday!
FACEBOOK ~ Kenna Rae
TWITTER ~ fashionbtgirl
TUMBLR ~ fashionista-beauty-girl
SNAPCHAT ~ fashion.btgirl
PINTEREST ~ fashionbtgirl

Friday, July 24, 2015

50 Things You Should Know About Me!

Hello lovelies! I thought it would be fun if I did a little Q and A! Well it's not so little... It's 50 questions! But you guys told me you want to learn more about me so that is what I'm doing! Telling you guys about myself! I hope my fingers don't fall off after this... I hope you enjoy!

Q1. What is your current fashion obsession?
A. Dresses or something very girly with heels.

Q2. What is your current makeup obsession?
A. Bright lipstick.

Q3. Do you nap a lot?
A. No, I hate taking naps. I always wake up sweaty and mad.

Q4. Why is today special?
A. It's my Mama's birthday!

Q5. What would you like to learn to do?
A. Speak better French, sketch, sew, etc.

Q6. What's for dinner today?
A. We had chicken marinated in sweet and sour sauce, mashed potatoes, and spiral noodle pasta!

Q7. What is your favorite weather?
A. Cold, the hot is sticky. Think about it, you dress so much cuter all snuggled up!

Q8. What's the last thing you bought?
A. 3 sweatshirts for cold nights at the beach this summer and a studded, neon mint green over the shoulder bag.

Q9. What are your essentials when going out?
A. Chapstick(can't walk out of the house without it), cute sun glasses, water cup, something warm just in case it gets cold out, phone chargers(car and house), bright lipstick, and my phone!

Q10. What's your style?
A. I really don't have a specific style, I like mix and matching and being different.

Q11. What is your most challenging goal right now?
A. Trying to get the money to pay for college this year.

Q12. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished, anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
A. A small town where everybody knows each other and goes to church together, could either be a city or a farm!

Q13. What are some things that you cannot live without?
A. Believing in Jesus Christ and my family.

Q14. How was your childhood?
A. Really friggin awesome, I lived in a huge house with horses, a pool table, a fooseball table, a basketball hoop, and an amazing family.

Q15. What are you most excited for?
A. My 18th birthday in 6 months!

Q16. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
A. Paris, France!

Q17. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
A. Uuumm nooooo... ;)

Q18. Will you ever bunjee-jump?
A. Yes, that sounds like so much fun!

Q19. What's your favorite cereal?
A. Fruity pebbles!

Q20. What's the first thing you notice about people?
A. Their eyes and smile.

Q21. What is your eye color?
A. Blue, but sometimes they turn green and grey depending on the weather, my mood, and what colors I'm wearing.

Q22. Scary movie or happy endings?
A. Definitely happy endings!

Q23. Computer or television?
A. Well considering I can watch television on my laptop as well as do so many other things, I choose computer!

Q24. What's the furthest you've ever been from home?
A. Big Bear, so sad.

Q25. Do you have any special talents?
A. Singing and being very crafty!

Q26. What are your hobbies?
A. Eating delicious food, watching Netflix, hanging out with my boyfriend, recycling old clothes, doing my makeup, and dressing in super cute outfits.

Q27. Where were you born?
A. Auburn, Northern California.

Q28. Do you have any pets?
A. Of my own, one. A dog, she's a chug(Chihuahua and pug mix) and her name is Paris/Bel Amour.

Q29. What is your favorite movie?
A. The Notebook!

Q30. Do you have any siblings?
A. Yes, two sisters and two brothers! All older except one.

Q31. How was it growing up with so many siblings?
A. SUPER fun, there was/is never a dull moment in our family.

Q32. What are a few of your favorite foods?
A. Hot Cheetos and peanut butter sandwich, tacos, and like every other food!

Q33. What are your two favorite colors?
A. Purple and neon blue!

Q34. What is something you love and dislike about yourself?
A. I love that I care a LOT and I dislike that I'm so shy that sometimes I miss great chances and opportunities to do things.

Q35. What do you do when you're home alone?
A. Blast music to where I can't hear myself talk and dance in my underwear.

Q36. What kind of music do you listen to?
A. All kinds, from country to rap.

Q37. Where do you like to shop?
A. Forever 21, Tilly's, and Pac Sun.

Q38. What is your favorite childhood movie?
A. Hannah Montana, what a monster did she turn into.

Q39. What is your favorite memory?
A. Having family gatherings at my big house before everyone got married and had kids.(Not complaining, well maybe a little).

Q40. What are some things on your bucket list?
A. Go to Paris, France, become a fashion designer and create my own line, go sky diving, go to an amusement park, go to a concert, and be someone who makes a change in this world.

Q41. What's the best advice you've been given?
A. Be you, because everyone else is taken.

Q42. When is your birthday?
A. January 8th.

Q43. Who was your first concert?
A. Only concert, Switchfoot.

Q44. Do you play any sports?
A. I used to play soccer, I played from kindergarten until 6th grade. I miss it.

Q45. Do you have a religion?
A. Yes, I've been a Christian from the time I came out of the womb and will be until the time I reach heaven.

Q46. How would you describe your personality?
A. Funny, loving, caring, happy, strong, confident, sweet, etc.

Q47. What is your favorite animal?
A. A panda, I hope to meet one one day.

Q48. Do you like school?
A. YES, I love it!

Q49. How long have you and your boyfriend been together?
A. A little over a year and a half! <3

Q50. What do you usually get at Starbucks?
A. Mocha Frappuccino, double chocolatey chip, and triple M!

FACEBOOK ~ Kenna Rae
TWITTER ~ fashionbtgirl
TUMBLR ~ fashionista-beauty-girl
SNAPCHAT ~ fashion.btgirl
PINTEREST ~ fashionbtgirl

Monday, July 20, 2015

Bake Blueberry Muffins With Me!

Hello lovelies! I have a little secret to tell all of you... I LOVE baking! It's something that totally relaxes me. I was about to have my monthly present and wasn't feeling too well. So I turned to baking... Baking and just spending time with myself definitely relaxes me and makes me in such a happy mood! I love it so much. I thought it would be fun to write a blog about baking some blueberry muffins. So I brought my camera all around the kitchen with me as I was baking. Doing something I love, taking pictures, also makes me in a happy mood. Here's step by step of how I made these delicious blueberry muffins! I hope you enjoy! *WARNING* You might get hungry...
So you obviously need a box of blueberry muffins! Let's get cracka-lackin'!

First, get your cupcake pan and colorful and cute cupcake holders!
Now place your adorable cupcake holders into the cupcake slots of your cupcake pan. (Wow I said "cupcake" a lot in that sentence.)
Now open your box of blueberry muffins. You'll find your batter and can of blueberries. Use a can opener to open the can of blueberries.
 Then, drain the blueberries.
Now rinse the blueberries.
Once you're done rinsing your blueberries with water, set them to the side.

It's finally time to get to the baking! Get all of your ingredients out and get ready to mix into your bowl.
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs

Mix all of your ingredients into your mixing bowl.

Before I mix all of the ingredients together, I like to pop the eggs. Because I'm weird like that.

Now I'm done mixing! Don't move on to the next step if you still see chunks in your batter!
It's time to add those blueberries you left aside! Stir in very gently.

This is what your mixture should look like now.

It's time to pour 1/4 cup of your blueberry muffin batter into each cupcake holder. 

Cupcake holders are filled!

Now put your cupcakes in the oven to bake for 15-20 minutes.

When I'm waiting for my blueberry muffins to bake, I use my finger and eat some of the leftover batter. It's just something I HAVE to do every time I bake! I don't eat too much of the batter though, raw eggs aren't good for you!

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The timer went off and now it's time to finally stop dreaming over that delicious smell you smell coming from your kitchen. Take your blueberry muffins out and let them cool.

Blueberry muffins are finally cooled down after about five minutes! 
Here's my blueberry muffin that I cannot wait to dig into! Of course I got the biggest one!

Oh goodness, that first bite was just so delicious. I recommend you go and make some for yourself now! I know I made you hungry!
Enjoy this silly picture of me before you go bake some of your own blueberry muffins!
FACEBOOK ~ Kenna Rae
TWITTER ~ fashionbtgirl
TUMBLR ~ fashionista-beauty-girl
SNAPCHAT ~ fashion.btgirl
PINTEREST ~ fashionbtgirl

Friday, July 17, 2015

Why Do I Want To Be A Fashion Designer?

Hello lovely ladies! A lot of people are always asking me why I want to become a fashion designer. When I found out that that's what I wanted to become. How I have been working my way towards that happening in my life. Why it interests me and what I see in it to make me love it so much. So here I am going to tell you all the story behind me wanting to become a fashion designer.  

It was never like I woke up one morning thinking "Hmm I think I want to become a fashion designer when I grow up." No. It has literally just ALWAYS been my dream. I honestly cannot remember a time when I wasn't thinking about becoming a fashion designer. It's just been something I've always dreamed about and wanted since I was a little girl.

I think I was like nine or ten when I first started working on fashion. I first started off making bracelets out of yarn. Braiding three different colors together. Then I went a little bit more advanced. I got a BUNCH of beads. Thousands of them. They were EVERYWHERE. It was insane. I still find them floating around random places through the years. I got colored string and clear, stretchy string to put the beads on to make bracelets. I would spell my name with the lettered beads and make patterns with the different colored beads. I made a bunch of different styled bracelets. I also made a few rings using some stretchy string and small beads.

When I got a little tired of making the same old things, I started making lanyards. The lanyards made with gimp string. Almost everybody used to make them. It was so popular. So I decided to make them myself. I made a LOT. I got addicted to making them. I went out and got all of the colors of the rainbow of gimp string. I made tons of different designs. I made them twist. I unwinded paper clips and put it in the middle of the gimp string as I would make the lanyards to be able to shape the lanyard into a letter, like a K for Kenna. I sometimes used up to six or even seven different colors of gimp string. I had no idea how many different designs you could make with them. But I tried out a lot and they actually turned out really cool! I went crazy with those things. My Mom still has a black and white one I made her from years ago on her keychain.

As time went on I started getting out of the habit of always working on my lanyards. I got into making things out of duct tape instead. I got the designed duct tape, which is the colored duct tape and the duct tape with zebra print, Hello Kitty, flames, damask pattern, and so many others! I made some intense accessories! I made wallets, flowers, a giant purse, bow rings, cuff bracelets, hair bows, a binder, I made a bunch of different things!

I would actually love to make those things again. I had so much fun using cute duct tape to make fashionable accessories! I don't even remember why I stopped. Sometimes I wish I hadn't. I enjoyed it so much! Other people did too. I actually sold them for a while! 

Then I moved onto recycling mine and even other people's clothes. This is probably my favorite thing I've done! I still do this. I go to thrift stores and yard sales and either get things for free or for SUPER CHEAP. I also ask my family and friends(even guys) for some old clothes that they don't want anymore. I cut shirts to fit me if they don't already. I've made scarves out of the bottom of tee shirts. I distress shorts and pants with tweezers. I tie bows on the sides of shirts. I make slits on the back of shirts. I do almost everything! There's so many different things I do to recycle clothes! I've also designed shirts and scarves for my family and friends.

I actually drew on a pair of white shoes(that weren't white anymore) to try and take away from the dirtiness. I used sharpies and fashion/clothing markers. I covered the shoes in drawings, writing, and added some studs to bedazzle up the shoes a little bit more and make them fashionable. Then I wrote "Andy" on the bottom of the right shoe like in Toy Story.

I've saved the best for last! My favorite clothing piece I have recycled are some shorts. My younger brother gave me some white pants that didn't fit him anymore. I'm smaller than him so they ended up fitting me. I cut them into shorts. Then I used some blue and red paint to make a U.S. flag on one leg of the shorts for The Fourth of July. Then I added some studs to the other leg and on the pockets on the booty. They turned out super cute! Here's a picture of them.

Fashion is just something that I have always loved! Like it's really hard for me to explain why I love it. It's just something that's always been a part of me. I love how your style is something that really defines who you are. I love how there are so many different styles and you can dress like every single one of them if you wanted. It's really just up to you. You decide who and what you want to wear.

I love all different styles. I've also had my stages. I've been punk before. I've been tom-boyish. I've been super girly. Right now I wear anything and everything. One day I can be dressed in a dress and heels and the next I could walk out of the house in ripped shorts, a tee shirt, Vans, and a snapback. It really just depends on what I'm feeling that day.

I love learning about new fashion trends. I love taking pictures of my outfits. I love doing fashion shows for myself in my room in front of a mirror. I love being able to turn that plain tee shirt into a super girly outfit by tucking it into a skirt and adding a cute belt. Fashion is just so amazing and interesting to me. That's why I love fashion and that's why I want to be a fashion designer!

FACEBOOK ~ Kenna Rae
TWITTER ~ fashionbtgirl
TUMBLR ~ fashionista-beauty-girl
SNAPCHAT ~ fashion.btgirl
PINTEREST ~ fashionbtgirl

Monday, July 13, 2015

6 Summer Outift Ideas!

Hello beautiful girls! So as we all know... Summer has finally arrived! I love the cold but when summer comes around the corner I pack away my scarves, beanies, and jackets and bring out my shorts, snapbacks, sun glasses, crop tops, and dresses! So today I'm here to show you six super cute summer outfit ideas that I put together! I hope you enjoy these looks! Let's get started!

For this first outfit I'm wearing something very casual, but also cute. I don't usually wear crop tops(as you can see by my pasty white belly) but it's summer and I see almost every girl wearing them! So I decided to show you girls one way to pair a crop top! Sun glasses and snapbacks are definitely two of my summer essentials!

~ Snapback from thrift store
~ Sun glasses from Wet Seal
~Not sure where top is from
~Ripped shorts from Wet Seal
~Black Vans from Vans Store

This second outfit is very girly! I paired a loose tank top with a really comfortable skater skirt. Then added some really cute white sneakers(they're sort of like Keds, or "grandma shoes" as I call them).
~ Sun glasses from Wet Seal
~ Tank top from Khol's
~ Skater skirt from Styles for Less
~ Grandma shoes from Michael's Craft Store
This third outfit is probably my favorite! It's sort of causal but just so cute to me! Flowers are definitely a summer must! Ripped jeans are so in right now. I actually recycled and distressed these jeans myself. I'm so in love with them!
~ Sun glasses from et Seal
~ Flower top from Styles for Less
~ Distressed jeans recycled by me
~ Sandals from Styles for Less
This next outfit just reminds me of Opal(AnnaSophia Robb) from Because of Winn-Dixie. Overalls and converse. I just put a crop top under my overalls and was all set to go! Don't forget your sunnies!
~ Under crop top "GEEK" from Forever 21
~ Overall shorts from Khol's
~ Sun glasses from Wet Seal
~ Red high top Converse from Converse Store
This next outfit is definitely the most girliest. It would be perfect for a summer party! You can never go wrong with a navy blue dress and cream colored heels! This outfit is just so adorable.
~ Dress from thrift store
~ Creamy colored heels from Styles for Less
Last outfit! I paired a neon blue, sheer button up with some black high waisted shorts. These shorts are so comfortable and stretchy! Once you put them on, I promise you, you won't want to take them off! These little shoes just went perfect with the outfit!
~ Sun glasses from Wet Seal
~ Sheer button up top from Active
~ High waisted shorts from yard sale
~ Little black shoes from Rue 21
FACEBOOK ~ Kenna Rae
TWITTER ~ fashionbtgirl
TUMBLR ~ fashionista-beauty-girl
SNAPCHAT ~ fashion.btgirl
PINTEREST ~ fashionbtgirl